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A Brief Overview of Archie-Glapto[]

Archie-Glapto is a country that seceded from England and obtained control of the Falkland Islands in 2022. It feels ties not only to England, but to Argentina as well. Archie-Glapto is a Bipresidential Democracy, meaning that it has two presidents and vice presidents on the executive branch. It has high-tech sciences, especially in gene splicing.

History of Archie-Glapto[]

The Beginning[]

Noone really knows who claimed the Falkland Islands in the first place, but Portugal, Spain and Great Britian all claimed discovery of the islands. Unlike other "New World" areas, these islands were uninhabited before being disovered by Europeans. The first reliable sighting was made by Dutch explorer Sebald de Weert. In 1690, English captain John Strong was driven off course and landed on the Falkland Islands, in Bold Cove. He named the body of water he travelled through the Falkland Channel, now called Falkland Sound, and this is where the English name for these islands comes from.
In 1764, French Navigator and military commander Louis Antoine de Bougainville founded the first settlement on Berkeley Sound, in present-day Port Louis, East Falkland In 1765, British captainJohn Byron explored and claimed Saunders Island on West Falkland, where he named the harbour Port Egmont and a settlement was constructed in 1766. Unaware of the French presence, Byron claimed the island group for King George III. Spain acquired the French colony in 1767, and placed it under a governor subordinate to the Beunos Aires colonial administration. In 1770, Spain attacked Port Egmont and expelled the British presence, bringing the two countries to the brink of war. War was avoided by a peace treaty and the British return to Port Egmont.
In 1774, economic pressures leading up to the American Revolutionary War forced Great Britain to withdraw from many overseas settlements. Upon withdrawal, the British left behind a plaque asserting Britain's continued claim. Spain maintained its governor until 1806 who, on his departure, left behind a plaque asserting Spanish claims. The remaining settlers were withdrawn in 1811.
In 1820, storm damage forced the privateer Heroina to take shelter in the islands. Her captain David Jewwet raised the flag of the United Provinces of the River Plate and read a proclamation claiming the islands. This became public knowledge in Beunos Aires nearly a year later after the proclamation was published in the Salem Gazette. After several failures, Luis Vernet established a settlement in 1828 with authorisation from the Republic of Buenos Aires and from Great Britain. In 1829, after asking for help from Buenos Aires, he was instead proclaimed Military and Civil Commander of the islands. Additionally, Vernet asked the British to protect his settlement if they returned.
A dispute over fishing and hunting rights resulted in a raid by the US warship USS Lexington in 1831. The log of the Lexington reports only the destruction of arms and a powder store, but Vernet made a claim for compensation from the US Government stating that the settlement was destroyed. (Compensation was rejected by the US Government of President Cleveland in 1885.) The islands were declared free from all government, the seven senior members of the settlement were arrested for piracy and taken to Montevideo, where they were released without charge on the orders of Commodore Rogers.
In November 1832, Argentina sent Commander Mestivier as an interim commander to found a penal settlement, but he was killed in a mutiny after four days. The following January, British forces returned and requested the Argentine garrison leave. Don Pinedo, captain of the ARA Sarandiand senior officer present, protested but ultimately complied. Vernet's settlement continued, with the Irishman William Dickson tasked with raising the British flag for passing ships. Vernet's deputy, Matthew Brisbane, returned and was encouraged by the British to continue the enterprise. The settlement continued until August 1833, when the leaders were killed in the so-called Gauncho Murders. Subsequently, from 1834 the islands were governed as a British naval station until 1840 when the British Government decided to establish a permanent colony.
Road sign to the capitalA new harbour was built in Stanley, and the islands became a strategic point for navigation around Cape Horn. A World War I naval battle, the Battle of the Falkland Islands, took place in December 1914, with a British victory over the smaller Imperial German Asiatic Fleet. During World War II, Stanley served as a Royal Navy station and serviced ships which took part in the 1939 Battle of the River Plate.
Sovereignty over the islands became an issue in the second half of the 20th century, when Argentina saw the creation of the UN as an opportunity to pursue its claim. Talks between British and Argentine foreign missions took place in the 1960s but failed to come to any meaningful conclusion. A major sticking point in all the negotiations was that the inhabitants preferred that the islands remain British territory.
A result of these talks was the establishment of the islands' first air link. In 1971, the Argentine state airline LADE began a service between Comodorio Rivadavia and Stanley. A temporary strip was followed by the construction of a permanent airfield and flights between Stanley and Comodoro Rivadavia continued until 1982. Further agreements gave YPF, the Argentine national oil and gas company, a monopoly over the supply of the islands' energy needs.

Falklands War and its aftermath[]

The United Nations Security Nation issued Resolution 502, calling on Argentina to withdraw forces from the islands and for both parties to seek a diplomatic solution. International reaction ranged from support for Argentina in Latin American countries (except Chile and Colombia), to opposition in the Commonwealth and Western Europe (apart from Spain). A divided United States administration, initially publicly neutral, eventually came out in support of the United Kingdom.
The British sent an expiditionary force to retake the islands, leading to the Falklands War. After short but fierce naval and air battles, the British landed at San Carlos Water on 21 May, and a land campaign followed leading to the British taking the high ground surrounding Stanley on 11 June. The Argentine forces surrendered on 14 June 1982. The war resulted in the deaths of 255 British and 649 Argentine soldiers, sailors and airmen, as well as 3 civilian Falklanders.
After the war, the British increased their military presence on the islands, constructing RAF Mount Pleasant and increasing the military garrison. Although the United Kingdom and Argentina resumed diplomatic relations in 1990, no further negotiations on sovereignty have taken place. Between 18,000 and 25,000 Argentine land mines remain from the 1982 war dispersed in a number of minefields around Stanley, Port Howard, Fox Bay and Goose Green. Information is available from the Explosive Ordance Disposal Operation Centre in Stanley. In 2009 mine clearance began at Surf Bay, and further clearances took place at Sapper Hill, Goose Green and Fox Bay. Further clearance work was due to begin in 2011.


In 2017, Magnumpuss Archie started the Falkland Islands Freedom Movement, or the FIFM for short. It used non-violent displays to show that the Falkland Islands should have their own government for several reasons. It would promote peace between England and Argentina for control of the island by being Bipresidential - one Argentinan and one British. It also persuaded cut costs of the British government, who it was seceding from.
In 2021, an Argentine millionare named Pyrocheese Glapto sponsored the FIFM heavily, promoting civil rights and peace in the Falkland Islands. In 2022, Prime Minister Jumbobigg Muttonlegg announced the Falkland Islands a free nation, seperate from Great Britian. Argentina made its decision to let the Falkland Islands be an independent nation three weeks later.


In 2026, WWIII began. It is kind of strange how it began, but you can look that up yourself. Archie-Glapto was invaded by Shugo to stage troops. The Jurponese camed down and also invaded Archie-Glapto to stage troops. Shugo took West Island, while Jurpo took the East island. Archie-Glapto controlled all the lesser islands, but their capital city was in danger.
President Robust Iodine took the place of Pyrocheese Glapto during this time period. He and the re-elected Magnumpuss Archie agreed to make a peace treaty with Jurpo and Shugo in return for not staying in the Falkland Islands. The treaty was called the Archie-Glaptonian Removal Treaty.
The Archie-Glaptonian Removal Treaty stated that if Jurpo retreated from Archie-Glapto first, they would join the Jurponese Powers, the allied side Jurpo was on. If Shugo retreated from Archie-Glapto first, they would join the Wahoo We Ossums, the allied side Shugo was on. The remaining nation would not be attacked by Archie-Glapto in the war. If a nation refused to evacuate, it would be attacked by the other's alliance.
It was immensly unfair to Archie-Glapto, who wanted to remain eternally nuetral, but it was the only thing they could do to make the other nations get off their archipelago.As it turns out, Jurpo retreated first. Shugo never retreated. It was attacked by the Jurponese Powers 6 days later ,and forced to retreat from Archie-Glapto.

The Shugo-Archie-Glaptonian War[]

It was a cold, rainy night in Southern Shugo, on June 12th, 2046. A gaurd watched over the Archie-Glaptonian embassy in Shugo. Bombs explode around him. The embassy was under attack! The embassy was destroyed within three hours, leaving a dusty wasteland.
Shugo bombed the embassy as a warning. If Archie-Glapto did not return ownership of the islands to it, Shugo would go to war with it. This was created on claims that Argentina had originally owned the islands, because Spain had discovered them.

Antartctic Colonization[]

By this point, Archie-Glapto was a very prosperous nation. It was the new country with "streets lined with gold". THis is partially because the U.S.A. was in ruins, with it's 12-year war and all during the 2020's. Even after that, the American nation was bombarded constantly in 3 other wars, all in a row. 2 others happened simultaneously. Enough about America, though. You came to this page to read about Archie-Glapto. With it's growing population, Archie-Glapto's population density skyrocketed. They had started building a city or two on the bottom of the Falkland Sound.
THis led to the colonization of Antarctica. They used the same citybox technology to build Antarctic cities. Many cities were built just for immigrants of different ethnicities. New Beijing, for example, was built just for Chinese immigrants, the main source of immigrants coming to Archie-Glapto. Archie-Glapto started to colonize the portruding tip of Antarctica first, which was a state they called Ice Tip. They were able to colonize Antarctica in the first place because of the abandonment of the research centers there. Once the UN disbanded, nations lost an interest in Antarctica. Well, the U.S.A. didn't, but look where they are now!
After Ice Tip, more states began to follow. They included Neosia, South Pacific State, Reserve State, Glacia, South Pole State, Exterranial Antarctic Area State, and Antarch. South Pole State had a city on the South Pole called Southernmost. It became a popular tourist attratction. Tourists were allowed to stand on the South Pole, which was a 500 foot radius dot painted blue, with a peppermint-striped pole in the center.
Now, Archie-Glapto was in the war. No more troops were staged on their island, and Archie-Glapto took a very large area of Shugo's land before it surrendered in 2030. However, all land Shugo lost during the war was returned to Shugo.

Culture of Archie-Glapto[]



Added - confused
Arger - someone who lives in Argentina
Artect - architect
Archid - someone in the Archivical party
Beunosas - good day
Choisuel - someone who lives on Shoisuel Island
Const - someone who does the same thing over and over; something done over and over
Defends - military stationed on the islands, in case of attack.
Easter - someone on East Island
Gatta - cat
Icewild - the uninhabitable Antarctic area, outside the biodomes
Kitten - an insult to someone in the feline party
Kitty - an insult to someone in the feline party
Lar - big
Lomm - Sheep
Monopoly - a large business
Mud - darn
Seam - a problem
Pedall - to go faster
Puker - idiot
Tort - tourist, particularly an annoying one
Wester - someone who lives on West Island
Wiped - forgotten
Yerp - Europe or a European
Zweshtwobble - interjection to mean nonsense, like the word itself
... eats monkey-bears - common insult

Government of Archie-Glapto[]

Stats and Whatnot of Archie-Glapto[]

  • Lunar March
  • AG, Gold For A Reason
  • Space Age
National Anthem : Hail, composed by Boshlank's Human Counterpart.
Other Musics

Geography of Archie-Glapto[]

Sciences of Archie-Glapto[]


Wikipedia:Falkland Islands [[Category:<img data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22double-brackets%22%2C%22lineStart%22%3A%22%22%2C%22title%22%3A%22PAGENAME%22%2C%22placeholder%22%3A1%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%7B%7BPAGENAME%7D%7D%22%7D" data-rte-instance="196-1636185312509536b31da5a" class="placeholder placeholder-double-brackets" src="%3D%3D" type="double-brackets" />]] [[Category:<img data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22double-brackets%22%2C%22lineStart%22%3A%22%22%2C%22title%22%3A%22PAGENAME%22%2C%22placeholder%22%3A1%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%7B%7BPAGENAME%7D%7D%22%7D" data-rte-instance="196-459176294509536a47ab6c" class="placeholder placeholder-double-brackets" src="%3D%3D" type="double-brackets" />]]
