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Economy of California
GDP $ 1.73 trillion (nominal: 7th; 2010) Green Arrow Up Darker
$ 41,021 thousand (PPP: 6th; 2010) Green Arrow Up Darker
Growth Green Arrow Up Darker 10% (2011 est.)

Ownership Corporate
Governing Capitalism
Composition Agricultural & manufacturing industries
Sectors Manufacturing, Ores, Textile, electronics, food processing, transportation equipment, cars, trucks, ships, planes, Agricultural
Macro policy Department of Californian Development
Financial policy Central Californian Bank
Trade policy Free Trade
Monetary policy Restrictive, combating inflation
Banking Mono bank system
Coinage Californian Dollar
Value Green Arrow Up Darker 1.03 USD
Inflation Red Arrow Down 10.8 % (2010)

California has the eighth largest economy in the world (2012), compared to states in the Union of Everett, it by passes states such as Florida and New York.

Economic factors created in the centuries, sparked by the search for gold in California led to the California gold rush which started in 1848 and ended in 1855, in the long run had a lasting effect on Californians. Several other government projects assisted the nation into its economic stance, such as the Hoover Dam in Nevada providing Californians water irrigation as well with the the even larger California State Water Project which was formed in the 1950s to help construct the California Aqueduct and its ancillary dams.


The majority of California's economic makeup composes of tourism from countries such as Union of Everett they are also heavily dependent on Texas for its oil supplies, in 2006 relations between the Kingdom of Texas and the Californian Republic improved after the completion of the Texan-Californian Pipe Line controlled by majority of Texans oil companies such as Ritter Energy, whom also controls a large majority of Californian coal and natural gas energy plants.

The Californian Department of Agriculture is the largest contributing factor to California successful Agriculture industry, which included fruit, vegetables, dairy, and wine production. California is the worlds fifth largest supplier of food to nations around the world. According the the CDA, "California agricultural industries nearly 36.6 billion dollars, and created several inter-community opportunities." While Wisconsin is considered the largest producer of dairy products, the CDA included in a report in 2008 that the Californian Dairy Community accumulated a whopping 47 billion dollars in economic activity, leading to that Wisconsin was actually the second of leading dairy producing states in the former United States.


Taxes inside the Republic of California are at an 9.66 dollars per 100 cash payment, and an 2% tax rate on commodities inside the nation, its tax brackets are determined to your fixed income and corporate income. Several factors including the succeeds of California is its corporate tax break, which has created in 2012 an boom for companies to move from highly expensive countries such as Canada and European nations.
