Constructed Worlds Wiki

The Atzerri-Sailburua (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) is the organ of diplomacy in Euskadi, although Lehendakari as head of state also maintains diplomatic activity.

Current state of diplomatic relations between Euskadi are as follow:

Area North América[]

Allied States of America[]

Republic of Cascadia[]

The relations between Cascadia and Euskadi can be described as good. Both nations are democratic and free market ones so there are many commercial, economic and financial intereactions between companies from one and another side.

From a political standpoint relations are good too. There are not many interaction between both governments but they maintain regular diplomatic contacts.

Union of Everett[]

The relations between Everett and Euskadi can be described as good. Both nations are democratic and free market ones so there are many commercial, economic and financial intereactions between companies from one and another side.

From a political standpoint, and although relations are cordial, there are some misgivings from the rulers of Euskadi. The increasing abandonment Western Christian values​​, and a leftward trend in the actions of Everetty Government, are matters that do not like in the Government of Euskadi that dont see Everett as the world leader USA used to be.


Area of South America & Caribe[]


United States of Central America[]

The relations between Euskadi and Centro America are excellents. On the economic and commercial hand there are fluid exchanges between the two nations and many Euskadi's companies are operating in Centro America. Politically, Government of Euskadi supports and appreciates the efforts of the Centro America's Government to become a modern and democratic nation. The Government of Euskadi contributes to development with numerous aid programs.

Area of Western Europe[]

Imperium Skandinavisk[]

Kingdom of Europa[]

Republic of France[]

Union of Benelux[]

Area of East Europe[]

Deutsche Demokratische Republik[]

People's United Socialist Republic of Bulgaria[]

Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics[]

Area of North Africa[]

Area of Central Africa[]

Area of South Africa[]

Area of Middle East[]

Federal State of Israel[]

United Emirates of the Persian Gulf[]

United Republic of Iraqistan[]

Area of India Southwest Asia[]

Area of East and Southeast Asia[]

East Asian Federation[]

Grand Yarphese Republic[]

Popular Republic of China[]

Area of Oceania and Pacific[]

United Commonwealth of Australia[]
