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Industrial Grade Nanite Solution, commonly known as Nanopaste, is a commercial product manufactured by Hitachi Ltd. It consists of a collection of self-replicating nanorobots which manipulate matter at a molecular level. These robots can be programmed to reconfigure matter into any desired state. Nanopaste is distributed in billion-nanite containers, which are roughly the size of an oil barrel. Nanopaste was first released on the market to industrial companies on March 21, 2010.

Technical Aspects[]

The nanites themselves are capable of limited controlled self-replication in a factory environment. Nanites can only replicate in the presence of metal alloy containing a proprietary element called Signal3. In the Nanopaste factory's Replication Vat, several ingots of Signal3-infused iron are inserted to fuel the replication process. The iron is used as material to be reconfigured into more nanites, while the signal3 controls the process.

Each container of nanites acts wither independently or with other containers to reconfigure local matter into pre-programmed configurations. These configurations can be preselected from a database of objects whose characteristics have been fully defined. The reconfiguring process is termed as matter recycling. Each nanite is limited to manipulating 10 molecules in its lifespan. After it reaches its limit, the nanite emits a completion signal, and fuses into a solid iron molecule, which can then be used as raw material by other nanites. Through the reconfiguration process, any number of useful objects can be made from consumer waste, such as cars, computer systems, or even food for post-recycling consumption.

Current Use[]

The East Asian Federation government expects to immediately use nanopaste to solve waste problems, and predicts that all landfills will be recycled by April.
