Constructed Worlds Wiki

Not all civilization in Aerosea evolve at the same pace and level, here is the break down of achievement and notable technologies of each civilization.

By default the lowest technology in Aerosea is the technology used in Earth 2000 A.D. Panaysia still in this step of Technological level.

Civilization Tech Level Bioengineering Information Technology Psychology Structural Engineering Physics
Tyskarri Very High Artificial Bionic Implants Global Knowledge Comunication, Advanced Artificial Inteligence, Inteligence Enhancement Megastrutcutre Engineering, Advanced Material Synthetification Advanced Fusion Technology
Rabhaya High Artificial Bionic Implants Highsepeed Communication, Quantum Computing, Advanced Encyrption and Compression Advanced Productivity System, Rudimentary Nanotechnology
Setsäärri Medium High Genetic Engineering, Tissue engineering Biocomputing Psionic Enhancement, Rudimentary Neuro cybernetics Biospehere Manipulation
Ismath Medium Advanced Audiovisual Technology Advanced Aeronautic
Chaeng Kheum Medium Low Neuroprosthetics Software Engineering Automated translation
Sapatjesz Medium Low Mobile Structure, Micro Factory, Lean production system, High Speed Construction, High Capacity Transportation
Qatlamaisa Low Advanced Mining
Panaysia Low Extensive Knowledge Base in Native Wildlife, Advanced Agricultural Engineering, Minimal Polution Technology. Traditional Arcology