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Skagway 048

Statue in Aluminum,Turkrassian Republic

Turkrassia is a small continent that was formerly Svalbard. It includes the countries​​​​:

Turkrassian Republic

Turkrassian New Wolf Pack

South Narwar

New North South Poleantau

New North North(ish) Poleantau

Turkrassian Republic[]

The Turkrassian Republic is ruled by a Dictator named Wiggum Wigouyta. He recently changed the capital from Land to Aluminum, hence the words written on their money "Aluminii Pankki" Which is finnish for Aluminum Bank. The currency of the Turkrassian Republic is Turkrassian Vigo Wria (Wig-OH-vee). Wiggum Wigouyta's laws are kind-of insane; For example, his patato laws:

Patatos are a discrimating vegetable, so they are banned in the Turkrassian Republic of Turkrassia.

Many people live in Land or Aluminum. Land is covered in a Metal dome to protect from the rabid creatures in the area. The other few cities are Viaruaytuya, Marituayvarka,Ghtryua, and Vanghqweu. Total population is 12,164

Turkrassian New Wolf Pack[]

The Turkrassian New Wolf Pack (New Rep. of The New Sun Wolf) is a new expansion of the old Poleantiaun country The Wolf Pack which after losing the war against Ta-Blu nation changed it's name to New Wolf Pack. Its in a war with South Narwar and has no official money, almost everything is traded. There is 3 cities and the capital is: Nvarb. The other 2 cities are Vghartayu and Ghartevya.Total population is 227.

New North South Poleantau[]

It has the exact same economy as The Turkrassian Republic. The Prime Minister is Vuera Lemauins which means Cool Lemon in Poleantiaun. It has the same laws as North Poleantau.
